
Thursday, August 5, 2010



Hi Friends!!!! This word is very familiar to all sadhaks / Volunteers. Even it’s in our family culture.

What is SEVA?
There are so many Forms of Seva, one may jump from one to another and then achieve perfection later in Life.

1. Bubbly Seva. 
This experience happens immediately after doing the course. The day course get over people come forward and wants to serve… there is enthusiasm, excitement, eagerness to serve others. They themselves do not know why, Where and how?
            Unfortunately, it last for max 2 days for many people. They fall into prey of “What about ME” – I have a job, family, college, friends, parties… etc… so let me settle in material world completely and later will fall in spiritual world completely. They have learn “100%”. Nothing gets completed. Ya they get lost completely.

2. Time Bound Seva
This is interesting they come to do seva because they have lots of time Now, there is vacation, no job or looking for job. So Seva is a tool to do time pass and hang out with other volunteers, teachers…etc. Vision about SEVA is limited and time bound.

3. Fame or achievement Seva
Seva is intentional based. You do seva to gain name, fame and respect. Seva is done till recognition, respect and wa waa is done. The time someone criticises or blames your seva, this seva goes underground.

4. Hang Out Seva
Volunteers come to do seva because one just like the company of other volunteers. Purpose of doing seva is defeated. Enjoyment is not in seva but in Company. This invites Great danger in future.

5. Optional or Preference Seva
Optional Seva is more like comfort Seva. Were you have open all Exit options for not doing a committed Seva. Volunteer does Seva that he/she likes to do.   lots of preferences in seva and in volunteers. A volunteer comes to do seva for some time and again take a long break..... Cycle continues of coming and going like poornima and Amavasya.

6. Competitive  Seva
This Seva comes from the level of Ego. Seva is done to make others feel low. It’s done out of jealousy or to envy others. There is no cooperation and compassion but only competition.

There may be other types of Seva. Best part is GURUJI is so compassionate that HE welcomes all types of Seva.
Volunteers needs to realise first that Seva is happening from which level of his\her existence( there are 7 levels of existence.. i hope volunteers knows that).. last is the Self-  from that level Seva is a happening.
Many times I have heard vol saying “Seva has become Boring”. Anything in life once form a pattern becomes boring, so is seva sometimes. You don’t give up job, career, and relationship even if they are boring. Seva starts and ends with commitment.
Seva is endless act.  To do Seva, you need higher vision, sincere intention and vigour in action.
So Are you ready to Serve?
Jai Gurudeva!!!

Joke - To make you Laugh

Hi and Jai Gurudeva to all my Friends.

We are back... Extremely Sorry for disappearing from last 3 months.. it's really a long time and we had sooo many opportunities, stories and views to narrate. its just we have been lazy to write but promise will not happen again.

So to bring a Chiky Smile, Here is a joke for you.

Mom : My dear Son, why your wife is sitting so silent ?
SON : Nothing Mom, she asked for Lipstick but i gave Fevistick!! Thatz all.
No chip chip..... No zik zik...haaaaa

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sorry for being a bit lazy with the post. None the less I thought it would be a good idea to make a combined post for the month of April. April saw few events

first was my birthday on 6th, i turned ....(keep guessing), we had a nice birthday party at the juhu beach with lots of YES!+ bacchas,

then we we had a wonderful trip to a lovely hill station in south of India, place called coorg

then anjana's much awaited visit to dubai

Here are few photographs of all these, I will write more soon....


Birthday and Coorg

Burj Khalifa 124th floor view

Desert Safari

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"People are often unreasonable and self centred, forgive them anyways
 if you are honest, people may cheat you, be honest anyways
 if you find happiness poeple may be jealous, be happy anyways
 the good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow, do good anyways
 the people you care for may not appreciate your affection, love them anyways
 give the world you have and it may never be enough, give your best anyways
 Because in the end it between YOU AND GOD, it was never between you and them anyways"

It is really nice and sooo true.
Will be back soon on a post "APRIL" - vivek's birthday, our visit to Coorg and dubai .

Jai Gurudev.  

Sunday, March 28, 2010

C U Soon Sunny Dubai

I wrapped up my final days of stay in Sunny Dubai with crazy fun, and am back in Mumbai. Normally whenever I travel abroad, Iam quite exited to get back to India, Mumbai, and so was the case also with Dubai, atleast that's what I thought a few weeks back. But came closer the days of departure, I realised Iam going to miss the wonderful times I spent with my people, my family in Dubai. Over a period of few months in Dubai I made some very special friends through the Art of Living family and the Art of Living courses/satsangs I did in Dubai.

Here are some pics of the wonderful people. Of course there are whole bunch of others whose pictures I didn't have.

At the airport

This is such a wonderful feeling that wherever I go I know that I have a family who care and are like me. Like what guruji says, ' Apne sirf woh nahin hote jinse hamara rishta hai, apne woh hote hai jo apne jaise hote hain'

And this is what HE is making a 'One World Family', feel more and more grateful to HIM when I can actually see what HE has done.

Now I know will infact look forward to go to Dubai any time in the near future, with guarantee that I will receive a more than warm welcome.

PS: Burj Dubai is absolutely ginormos must see along with the musical fountain
Dubai mall is the biggest mall in the world, I liked the aquarium and the organic shop there

Desert safari and arabian belly dance are still pending to be done, will do probably in April.

sunny dubai

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Hi Friends.
Excuse me for not writing and updating our blog. Little laziness and really had no time.
From sooo many days i wanted to share about relationship in general, but today one instance just got me to write this.
I don't know where to start with, today whenever I think about lost friends, broken relationships, I had in my life I have tears rolling down my cheeks in sadness... exactly this is happening now...haaaa
Which is a true relationship? i still wonder and doubt.

Different faces of relationships: 
All relationships goes through
1. Excitement, love, sharing
2.Then.... Expectation- one should ask me, call me, help me.. should give me importance, treat me like earlier, should not hide anything or should not be selfish with me
3. Disappoinment, irritation, sadness, misery.
which leads to sometimes fights, sometimes sour or bitter ending, being indifferent or kaam chalo attitude/let go acts for your own peace.
This happens in almost every relationship.

I had many friends in my school, college  and Art of living life.Have seen relationship faded over time or expectation.
 Friends do not stay in touch, due to less interaction and increasing responsibilities of life. Communication plays the major role in sustaining relationship. As communication not done at time intervals creates distance, gap, which in turn reduces intensity and relation, apart with not both knowing about it. This is surely happened in my life, few relations just vanished over small things or just gone with time.

Relationship of mom and child is the purest one. Mom does everything for the child, gives the best possible for the child and at the same time even child is soo attach to mom, everything he learns from smallest to big act. In few years mom start having expectations from him and child in turn wants to be independent and wants minimum interaction with his/her mom... - this brings fights, sadness etc....and then child wants to be on his own with his/her new family, his new responsibility and challenges..No one is wrong or right.. intensity in relationship changes... SAD part is gratitude also fades....
how many times are we grateful to any relationship?
Being Grateful all the time, is just Grace.haa!!! really Because 10 positive and 1 negative comment, which one do we remember? i can  see in my own relationships with my family, teachers, volunteers.
Today i realized Parent needs a strong heart to accommodates his/her children with whatever attitude they have and also to see their own children fighting with each other for small land,business etc.

Relationships start with sharing but switchover soon with Giving-Taking and Expectations.
small things makes us upset then negative and it turn to hatred. whom to blame?

Today i have missed or lost so many friends, colleagues and close ones, on this journey of life, for funny and stupid mistakes.

Finally have realized there is only One PERFECT Relationship of Guru and devotee. This relation does not ask or expect things,at least for sure from HIS side. Guru does not want anything but just wants to give.
i am soo fortunate to have Guruji in my life.
Many times people ask why there is a need to Guru?
For me to give me an experience of  perfect relationship.
To make me sense that if the whole world is against you,  i am still there for you,to have that feeling is a blessing. From HIS side, He is completely free from all this...
And my journey continues to move towards THAT Freedom.

Jai Gurudeva!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spherical thinking v/s Linear thinking

Rishi Vidhyadharji is in Dubai, and I agreed with him to post something he spoke about in one of the satsangs, so here goes....

The problems in the world are because of linear thinking, in linear thinking people don't see with foresight, and they take action without imagining the result of it, as they want quick result, like for eg. in the west they want to make as much as possible in short period of time, and this creates problems in the world

In the east you can find instances of spherical thinking, where there is a foresight and what you do now will go round and come back and affect you, so the actions are measured,
eg. in the east for first 25 yrs, parents take care of child, then the responsibility is shared and then child takes care of parents, this is spherical thinking,
but in the west it is not the case and hence in the ECC countries alone more than 40 million old people are living a life of loneliness and utter mysery there is no one to love them.
linear thinking is living life as if you r not going to come back
but spherical thinking is knowing that you are going to be coming back
a person of linear thinking can never do seva, but a person who is spherical thinker he cant but do seva,
linear thinker will be depressed even after becoming knowledgable, but a spherical thinker will be in love and joy

In the olden times every King had a Raj Guru, who used to be the spherical thinker, so that he could correctly foresee the impact before any decisions are made. In that sense the Raj Guru had a higher seat than the King himself.

Another eg. is of sanjha chula
In the villages in india, the old and wise used to lit a fire in a central place every evening, and small kids from each house used to come with a peice of cow dung and lit it in the fire and with that peice they used to lit the chula jin their house. This way they used to come to know if there was a problem in any house, for food, and if they used find any house not coming for the sanjha chula, they would go there and the whole village will take responsibility for it this way the person who dint have does not have to go through the embarasement of asking also, this is spherical thinking
